June 2012
Tres Santos commissioned water report says that the Todos Santos aquifer is in deficit and Todos Santos will run out of water by 2022 at the current population level
July 28, 2013
Tres Santos hold their one and only public meeting, where they bused in children from other communities to support the development. They also promised to use none of the town water. See slides here:
See details mentioned in this article:
July 7, 2014
Javier Barrios on plans for Tres Santos
March 2015
ACTS(Asociación de Colonias de Todos Santos) Water meeting. It is revealed that Tres Santos has applied for and received water for the first 66 homes
April, 2015
Construction of the hotel at the beach escalates
April 13, 2015
Tres Santos Sales event in New York City
May 31, 2015
First article in CSU(Colorado State University) student newspaper, the Collegian critical of the partnership with Tres Santos:
June 14, 2015
Tres Santos start construction on a massive water tank on Punta Lobos
August 9-13, 2015
Maria & Emma at CSU campus -
August 19, 2015
First storm video -
August 22, 2015
First of the CORA(Colorado Open Records Act) / FOIA requests to CSU start to arrive revealing, amongst other things, that CSU had planned to use town water all along.
September 10, 2015
Storms start to pound the sea wall
October 7, 2015
CSU Board of Governors meeting – first presentation
High tide, big waves, erosion, sea wall -
October 10, 2015
Blessing of the Boats
October 21, 2015
Interview with Javier Barrios Founder & CEO of MIRA - Speaks of CSU & the Tres Santos development. Min. 3:25 "CSU Todos Santos - The global center for water & agriculture."
October 23, 2015
Punta Lobos beach, sea wall, rocks detail -
October 29, 2015
Blockade Day
November 4, 2015
OROZCO panga lost at sea. Returns next morning.
November 10, 2015
Fishermen travel to LA PAZ to meet with SEMARNAT, PROFEPA & CONAGUA,
ROSARIO confronts Javier Barrios
November 11, 2015
SEMERNAT, CON AGUA, & PROFEPA representatives all come. Tres Santos is a no show
November 17, 2015
Article on TS & water:
November 18, 2015
July 14, 2015 e mail from Kim Kita to Ernie Glasner and Javier Barrios. “Plan A Municipal Water
November 23, 2015
OOMSAPAS insist Tres Santos have no water meter:
November 30th, 2015
Gringo Gazette article: “Tres Santos development has no water meter.”
December 1, 2015
CSU email of posted:
Kim Kita to Ernie Glasner and Javier Barrios. "We look forward to seeing how your needs align with our resources... I am confident the direction of this proposed research could be tailored and co-developed according to your priorities."
December 3, 2015
BCS Noticias article on Todos Santos water:
December 10th, 2015
Municipal. State & federal authorities visit the Punta Lobos beach to inspect the Punta Lobos beach for the Zona Federal Maritimo Terrestre (ZOFEMAT). Includes Ledesma, Prof Ibarro, Alejandra Blanco (Ricardo video)
December 14, 2015
Article: LA ZETA (11-17 December week)
December 28, 2015
COOPERATIVE MEETING with Arq. Rodrigo Andres del los Rios Luna, Sub secretary of Sustainable.
December 23, 2015
January 2nd Chip Conley resigns from Tres Santos
Rex Weiner’s Capital & Main article:
January 3-15, 2016
CSU students paying $20,369 each arrive
January 5, 2016
January 11, 2016
with Arq. Rodrigo Andres del los Rios Luna, Sub secretary of Sustainable development for the State Government.
Andrés de los Ríos Luna, subsecretario de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales en Baja California Sur
Tres Santos heads meet with SEMERNAT heads and Governor in Loreto
Javier Barrios y Carlos Asali Harfuch, de manera conjunta el titular de la Semarnat, el secretario de Turismo, Enrique de la Madrid Cordero y el director de Fonatur, Héctor Martín Gómez Barraza, así como el gobernador del estado, Carlos Mendoza Davis
Ledesma claims they have their permits:
January 12, 2106
January 18, 2016
Interview with JOHN MORENO -
January 20, 2016
Series of CSU articles critical of Tres Santos are published in the Collegian including this Editorial:
Ernie Glasner’s response:
January 22, 2016
CO-OP MEETING with SEMERNAT present with Arq. Rodrigo Andres del los Rios Luna, Sub secretary of Sustainable development for the State Government.
It was agreed that they should meet on February 11th to measure the concession and Maritime Federal Zone
January 22, 2016
Four Administrative Board Members of the Punta Lobos Cooperative are suspended from the Co-op – Juan Peralta, President (El Pirata); Lino Nunez, Secretary (El Lino) ; Javier Orozco, Treasurer (El Kikin) and Jesus Salvatierra, P.T. de Vigilancia (El Chuy).
Ariel Ruiz Castillo, Prof. Saul, Victor are elected to succeed them. (not on film)
January 23, 2016
Four suspended Advisory Board Members of the Punta Loboso Co-op sign an agreement with Tres Santos.
January 23, 2016
Ezekiel’s video of Pirata, Kikin, Nino & Chuy siding with Tres Santos is released
Co-op’s response:
January 23, 2016
Peter Buck denounces “sleazy developers and corrupt politicians from the stage on the last night of the Todos Santos Music Festival
MARCH with about 200 marchers
January 25, 2106
It is announced that the four suspended Members have made a deal with Tres Santos. Tres Santos declare that the issue with the fishermen is settled.
Governor Mendoza says that there are no problems with Tres Santos permits
January 26, 2016
Notaries are sent to issue ‘denuncias’ against John Moreno, Ricardo Madarzo, Jamie Secrist-Madrazo, Guillermo Trasvinia and Lisa Jackson.
January 27, 2016
Co-op signs new contract with JOHN MORENO & MARCH against Tres Santos
January 29, 2016
Peter Buck (REM) leaves the country amid rumors that he is to be arrested and is being investigated by immigration.
January 31, 2016
February 1, 2016
February 2, 2016
Police stand watch over a road that was previously blocked by fisherman protesting the housing company MIRA.
Beatriz Ledesma is seen giving order to the police and Sub Secretary General of the State of BCS Esteban Beltran Cota is also present.
Prof. Isidro Ibarra the General Secretary of the La Paz Ayuntamiento was also present
February 4, 2016
The fishermen of Punta Lobos in La Paz on February 4th
La Paz meeting #1 outside Palacio del Gobierno
February 9, 2016
2nd ZETA article:
February 10, 2016
February 10, 2016
CO-OP meeting with Tabasco Senator Senator from Tobasco, Carlos Manuel Marino Campos, Senador de la Republica. Congress woman from La Paz, Dep. Guadalupe Rojas Moreno
February 11, 2016
CO-OP Meeting w Tres Santos & Beatriz Ledesma.
February 12, 2016
CCE Opinion letter in Sud California signed by business members, including Alejandro Blanco as President of the Hotel Association, which he is no longer since he had to resign once he was elected as Representative to Congress for Todos Santos area
February 13, 2016
Negotiations continue. Construction restarts despite agreement
February 15, 2016
February 18, 2016
Meeting between Tres Santos (Beatriz Ledesma) and the Co-Op. Negotiations broke down over lawsuits issued to John Moreno, Lisa, Guillermo Trasvinia, Chuy Cota and Ricardo. Dep. Guadalupe Rojas Moreno present (see interview)
February 19, 2016
Summons issued to Ricardo Madrazo
February 21, 2016
Fishermen collect funds on the roads into town
February 22, 2016
Ledesma denies that Tres Santos is linked to Salinas De Gortari
Black Creek Group | Investments | Infrastructura Institucional
March 7, 2016
MARCH against Tres Santos
April 29, 2016
Article by Viviane Mahieux on THE ECOLOGIST
May 14, 2016
Fishermen's Second Blockade to Tres Santos Development Site, DAY 1